Hello everyone, today we will make samossas
Preparation time: 25 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 4
- 4 brick pastry sheets
- 4 chicken fillets
- 200g feta cheese
- 2 sprigs of thyme
- 1 onion
- 1/4 bunch of mint
- 1/4 bunch of coriander
- 100g of reduced tomato sauce
- 1 pinch of curry powder
- 20g of raisins
- 2 egg whites
- 20g of butter
- Olive oil
- Fine salt and pepper
Preparation :
Preheat your dish to 180°C. In a dish, salt and pepper the chicken fillets, add a dash of olive oil and butter, thyme and put in the oven for 20 minutes. Cover with aluminum foil when removed from the oven to prevent the chicken from drying out.
Peel and chop the onion, cut the cooked chicken fillets into small cubes. Chop the coriander and mint. Keep small leaves of both herbs for garnishing the plates. Cut the feta cheese into 0.5 cm cubes. Set aside separately. Mix the tomato sauce with the curry powder, keep some tablespoons aside to put in the center of the plates, the rest will be used to bind the mixture with the chicken.
In a hot frying pan, pour a dash of olive oil and the onion, cook for a few minutes, then add the chicken. Cook until the meat caramelizes slightly, 2 to 3 minutes on high heat. Place the cubed roast chicken in a bowl, add the herbs, mix with the tomato curry sauce, add the raisins and season with fine salt.
Cut strips of brick pastry 5 to 6 cm wide and place a small pile of the previous mixture on top with small cubes of feta cheese, cover with the samosa technique using a brush dipped in egg white. You can also brush the egg white along the entire length of the sheet of brick pastry.
In a hot frying pan, pour a little olive oil and brown the bricks for a few minutes on each side over high heat to crisp them up. In the plates, place some coriander and mint leaves, in the center 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce and the bricks, sprinkle with a little curry.
Here's a photo of how it turned out:

I hope you enjoyed it!!!
See you!